Discussion Forum Reminder
We’re thankful for all of you who stop by Our First Horse each day to read about our adventure. Interestingly, hardly any of you seem to view our discussion forum. I’m wondering if it’s because we’ve buried the link too far down on the sidebar. Just in case you didn’t know about it, we added a discussion forum to Our First Horse months ago and have an “active topics” list of the last 5 active discussion topics to the right of the screen below the menu. On a lot of computer screens you need to scroll down before you see this link on the menu bar on the right side. We’re not trying to compete with the big horse forums, like those found on Horse City or Horsetopia. We just figured this would be a good place for some first-timer discussions, general horse talk with our visitors and stuff we want to mention that doesn’t necessarily warrant a fancy blog post.
Here’s a big old link to our forum:
Our First Horse Discussion Forum
And here’s a list of some of the posts in the forum:
- Uses for hay bale string – (General Horse Talk)
- Warmer Weather = Easier Work – (General Horse Talk)
- How much do you pay for hay? – (General Horse Talk)
- Urine Treatment – (Barn and Pasture)
- Local Hobby Farm Coop – (Barn and Pasture)
- Alfalfa cubes – yes or no? – (Horse Health)
Please stop by our horse forum when you have a moment and drop a note on anything you find interesting. Or start your own post/discussion. And if you have any suggestions on making the forum more useful, please let us know either there or in the comments of this post.
EDIT: the discussion forum is no longer available.