Horses don’t respect a day of rest
One of the things you learn as a horse owner is to expect that work related to your horse habit will not be confined to a schedule. It would be great if everything in barn and pasture ran smoothly while you’re at work, on vacation or it’s cold/rainy/yucky outside. I would prefer that to-do items conveniently appear on my list around, oh, 11 AM on a Saturday, provided it’s sunny, not too windy, and warm (but not too warm) and I’m not sick. But that’s not how life works. Case in point is this little incident that happened Sunday. It was cold, I had just completed a few necessary outside tasks (watering horses, putting out hay) and was looking forward to kicking off my boots and enjoying the remainder of my afternoon on a day that is supposed to be a day of rest. As I leaned down to lock a gate I heard what sounded like a car crash. I spun around to look down the road at a stop sign where no one actually stops but didn’t see any cars there. My next instinct was to see what Cash was doing. He tends to be the instigator of trouble and this time my instinct was right. Cash was facing away from the fence, rearing up at one of our other equines. Behind him was a cracked fence board. The sound I heard was the snapping of wood and screws tearing out of a fence post. I watched him examine his handiwork and I would bet an apple he was thinking of how he might use this broken fence to some advantage. I’m sure it was an accident – he was kicking at someone or thrashing around, posturing in response to the fresh new hay roll. Just as I thought I was done for the day, I had to repair a fence.

As I examined the fence post (right in the photo) and discovered it was missing a large piece of wood that came off as the screws ripped through, I had a few angry words for Cash, which he completely ignored. After calming down a little, it occurred to me that this was a demonstration of the amazing power of a horse. When I relayed the story to Mikki, she reminded me that that’s probably what would happen to our bones if we were to be kicked like that. Food for thought.
As I was adding the above photo, the folder that I use to store such photos had others over the years showing Cash standing next to broken fences. I haven’t searched lately but I suspect I’ve written other posts about this very subject. Troublemaker! Don’t get me wrong, though, he’s a nice horse but he is alpha in his herd and isn’t afraid to demonstrate it.
So if you’re thinking about having horses, mentally prepare yourself for the eventuality of having to do unplanned barn, pasture, fence and sometimes horse repairs at inconvenient times. And always keep spare fence boards around.
2 thoughts on “Horses don’t respect a day of rest”
I have never left a comment on your blog, but I had to laugh at this one, as I myself just came in from repairing a fence…again. All showered and dressed to go to work, go out to get in the car and to give a once over look at the pasture, and yup, gaping hole that was NOT there when I went to feed three hours ago. Back inside to call work, tell them I will probably be late (my co-workers are thrilled by this piece of news of course), change back into my ‘grubbies’, and back outside to fix the fence. It never ends. haha. No truly sane person would keep horses, ya gotta love ’em. BTW, I have been following your blog off and on for years and have really enjoyed your bits of wisdom and humor. My husband and I became first time horse owners in 2007 after buying some property in Washington. I have to tell you, a lot of your anecdotes and stories helped me get through our first year or two. I felt like we were not alone in this crazy venture; there was at least one other couple out there that was as crazy as us! 🙂 Look at us both now! Here you are 9 years into it and we are at 8…almost like we know what we are doing now. Anyway, my best to you and yours from us here in WA.
Thanks for sharing, Wendy. I love reading that we’re not the only ones. “No truly sane person would keep horses.” Ha ha, true! Best wishes.