About this Site

Our First Horse is a simple website about my family’s venture into horse ownership. We’ve never owned a horse before and it occurred to us that some of our struggles are kind of funny. Even more than that, though, we figure anyone else out there who is new to horses or is considering buying a first horse might be interested in what we’re going through and what we’ve learned. So periodically my husband, my son (9 years old when we began this site) and I will keep our notes here. Feel free to comment (you have to log in…we’re trying to keep out spammers) and stop by our discussion forum for even more interaction. And above all, let’s have fun and learn something together!
Edit: Since I first wrote this intro we have more than our first horse now. We have our first horses! Bill found his own horse, a 5-year-old mare that’s a registered paint. He’s taken to calling her Moonshine because he can’t remember her fancy horse name. For more info, check out his “Introducing…Moonshine” post.
Edit: Wow, time flies! We now have four horses. Since that previous edit, we’ve added Cash and Romeo to our herd. I think this is where we stop. We’re out of land and barn space! But we’re by no means experts and probably never will be. There is always something to learn and in a lot of ways, after 4 years 6 years 10 years 14 years, we still feel like beginners. I hope you enjoy reading about our experiences.
Edit: And now we have three horses and a donkey. Moonshine was a beautiful and friendly horse but we would probably never be able to ride her and found what we feel is a better home for her. You can read above Moonshine leaving here. We also added a donkey named Jazzy that needed a home. Sadly, we also experienced the sadness of loss when Cash died suddenly.
Our first blog post: The Beginning: Living Our Dream
Really found your post on biting useful. We have had our first horse for 3 months, never been a horse family until my daughter started riding 2 years ago. So I am googling everything, reading horse magazines and finding things out as I go along. But the biting has just started, it seems more excited, playful biting than aggressive. I’ve shouted no at her, but will do the arms out like you mentioned, as she has done it 3 times today. Thank you.